Meet the animals
Current and past collaborators
Abox he/him
- Art
- Game Design
- Producer
Alex he/him
- Art
- Narrative
Bagelcollie any
- Art
BLek he/him
- Art
Chervil he/him
- Art
- Narrative
Eli they/them
- Art
- Narrative
- Sound Design
Heike she/her
- Music
- Narrative
Jay any
- Art
- Director
- Narrative
Kai they/them
- Narrative
Keestak they/them
- Game Design
- Narrative
- Programming
Milo he/him
- Game Design
moondog any
- Game Design
- Narrative
- Programming
Parse he/him
- Director
- Producer
- Programming
Quills they/he
- Art
- Game Design
- Programming
Raine she/they
- Producer
Robo any
- Art
Sune they/she
- Music
Tal they/she
- Art
- Programming
torcado he/him
- Game Design
- Programming
Walf he/him
- Music
wheel he/him
- Music